Selasa, 16 Mei 2017

Recipe Guacamole so good it will be like a freaking fiesta started in your mouth and everyone's invited

Resep Guacamole so good it will be like a freaking fiesta started in your mouth and everyone's invited

Ingredients :

  • 4 avocados
  • 1-2 limes
  • To taste Cilantro - make sure you chop it up but good
  • 1/3 red onion. Maybe 1/2 if it is a small one - cut into slices
  • 4 tomatillos - cut into quarters
  • 1-2 Jalapeños
  • 2 cloves garlic. Crush it. OR use garlic powder to taste. I am lazy, so I did the latter.
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 2 tsp black pepper
  • 2 roma tomatoes if you like to ruin perfectly good guacamole

Method :
  1. Lay your delicious ingredients out and admire your guacamole in its raw form. The produce is all that is important here.
  2. Dont forget the jalapeño and tomatillos.
  3. Heat a skillet to low or one notch above. Use olive oil as lubricant. Once the skillet is warmed up, place the onion, jalapeño, and tomatillos in and mix around like a stir fry periodically for the next 7 or so minutes. This softens these ingredients up and brings out their full flavor. After simmering, place into a blender or food processor.
  4. IF YOU ARE USING GARLIC CLOVES: you will want to add them to the skillet with the above ingredients.
  5. IF YOU ARE USING GARLIC POWDER: do not add it just yet.
  6. Add avocados, salt, pepper, garlic powder (if you chose to use it in lieu of cloves), and cilantro to the blender.
  7. Juice the living hell out of the lime(s) and add to the mixture. Make sure you get every drop of their deliciousness.
  8. Turn the blender on and blend as long as it takes to get to the consistency you like. I like mine as smooth as possible, so I blended it until all chunks were eradicated.
  9. Should you choose to destroy this tasty dish with tomatoes, the recommendation is to use roma tomatoes. Dice them and add to the guacamole after you have blended it. Stir it up to spread the tomatoes out and cover them in the guacamole.

Recipe Guacamole so good it will be like a freaking fiesta started in your mouth and everyone's invited Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: CakeMaster

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