Minggu, 02 Juni 2013

Recipe Chocolate fudge cake

Ingredients :

  • 700 g dark chocolate
  • 500 g butter
  • 600 g muscovado
  • 10 eggs, separated

Method :
  1. Melt butter & chocolate, whisk together
  2. Place sugar in pan with small amount of water, cook till sugar is dissolved
  3. Add egg yolks to sugar mix
  4. Whisk egg whites
  5. Add sugar to melted chocolate mix
  6. Add egg whites to chocolate mix, fold in
  7. Place in 2 grease proofed cake tins
  8. Cook @180°C for 30 minutes

Recipe Chocolate fudge cake Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: CakeMaster

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