Rabu, 07 Juli 2010

Recipe Double Wide Hunters Stew

Resep Double Wide Hunters Stew

Ingredients :

  • 1 beef chuck roast
  • 9 petite red potatoes
  • 1 large yellow onion
  • 1 small bag baby carrots
  • 2 lb carton beef stock
  • 2 packets beef stew gravy (storebought)
  • 1 packet beef soup seasoning powder
  • 1 can beer
  • Black peppercorn grinder
  • Balsamic vinegar

Method :
  1. I used my 6 qt. crockpot for this. The crockpot is important for this dish, I don"t know how well it would turn out on the stovetop.
  2. Pour about 1/2 of the beef stock into the crockpot. Turn on high.
  3. Now we prepare the beef roast. On a large enough plate or whatever will fit the whole thing, cover in balsamic vinegar. Don"t drown it, just enough to cover it evenly. Flip it a couple times, massage that stuff into the meat. Now do the same with about half of your beef soup seasoning powder. Massage massage massage. Now let that sit on the plate for a minute. We"ll come back for it.
  4. Go back to your beautiful beef roast full of balsamic and spice that"s been sitting, pick it up, and drop the whole thing right into the middle of the crockpot. Do not cut it, do not do anything but the balsamic and spice massage, and drop it whole into the liquid in the crock.
  5. This is where it differs from traditional beef stew. This is HUNTERS stew baby!
  6. Now add the packets of beef stew gravy and a liberal amount of cracked black pepper. Leave uncovered, stirring gently every 10 mins of so for about a half hour. Just to heat everything well.
  7. Now cover for about 5-6 hours on high. Stirring and flipping the roast once an hour.

Recipe Double Wide Hunters Stew Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: CakeMaster

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