Selasa, 13 Desember 2016

Recipe Candied Bacon Apple Roast

Resep Candied Bacon Apple Roast

Ingredients :

  • 2 pound pork roast
  • Pack bacon
  • brown sugar
  • 1 apple
  • black pepper
  • 1 tbsp butter

Method :
  1. Cut 3 large slits into the roast . not all the way through but just over half way
  2. Slice an apple into thin slices
  3. Place a few apple slices in the cuts on the meat
  4. Add some black pepper then add brown sugar. Its easier if you just take the sugar in your hand and press in into the meat so it sticks.
  5. Bake at 300 for about 2 hours
  6. Take the tablespoon of butter and put it on the center top of the roast with a clump of brown sugar on top of it. This adds a bit of a finishing glaze
  7. Once butter melts remove from oven and swat 6 year olds hand away while warning "its still hot obviosly litterally just watch me pulled it out of the oven"
  8. Use tongs to hold it while you slice it
  9. Maintain eye contact with dog while you reach for plates. No seriously dont even blink.
  10. ... A slice is now missing and so is the dog...damnit...i blinked
  11. Take first bite then....

Recipe Candied Bacon Apple Roast Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: CakeMaster

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