Minggu, 03 Januari 2016

Recipe New york cheese cake

Resep New york cheese cake

Ingredients :

  • 1600 grams cream cheese
  • 60 grams all-purpose flour
  • 540 grams sugar
  • 400 grams eggs
  • 150 ml heavy cream
  • 15 ml vanilla extract
  • 250 grams graham cookies
  • 50 grams butter

Method :
  1. Preheat hoven at 150°c
  2. Grind the cookies and add butter at room temperature, to form a paste
  3. Film the bottom of the molds with the mixture (you can use two round molds or a cupcake tray 24 portions)
  4. Beat the cream cheese and the sugar
  5. Add flour, eggs one by one, heavy cream, sugar and vanilla extract
  6. Mix till you have a uniform and creamy texture
  7. Por into individual molds (large cup cake molds) and bake at a bain Marie for one hour or until the cake tester comes out clean
  8. You can Serv it warm or cold and accompained with fruit compote

Recipe New york cheese cake Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: CakeMaster

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