Ingredients :
- 2 slice Bread
- 1 piece Egg
- pinch Salt
- pinch Black Pepper
- pinch Chilli Flakes
- 1/2 tsp Butter
Method :
- Take one piece of bread.. With the help of cookie cutter.. Cut it in middle in circle shape.
- Now heat half tspn butter in frying pan ... Lay the bread slice which has hole.... When the one side toasted.. Flip the bread.
- Crack the egg into the hole. .. Season with salt, black pepper n chilli flakes. Continue cook till egg yolk done..
- Now u can serve but I did more job with bread.
- Now heat remaining butter n toast another bread n coin shape bread too.. Flip the bread. Toast both sides.
- Now set coin shape bread on yolk n second bread set in bottom side... Now it"s done..
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