Senin, 10 Juni 2013

Recipe White fish in a hot smoked-cheese sauce

Resep White fish in a hot smoked-cheese sauce

Ingredients :

  • Fillets of fish (quantity depends on who is eating)
  • 1 small bunch spring onions
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil
  • 1 tsp. chile flakes
  • 1 tsp. cornflour
  • 1 slosh white wine
  • 1 small glass milk
  • 1 piece smoked cheese (about 100gr)
  • 1 dollup natural yoghurt
  • to taste Salt and pepper

Method :
  1. Wash and cut the fish into acceptable portions depending on who you are cooking for
  2. Put the oil and chile flakes into a pan. Slice the spring onions and add. Cook over a moderate heat, stirring now and then. In your spare moments, grate the cheese. When the onions are soft, turn the heat off and drain any excess oil
  3. And add to the pan. Turn the heat up for about 5 minutes until the wine has evaporated
  4. Dissolve the cornflour in the slosh of white wine in a glass
  5. Add the milk to the pan. Turn the heat up and when it starts bubbling
  6. Add the grated cheese
  7. Stir well over a very low heat, so that the cheese melts gently
  8. Add the cornflour dissolved in wine and stir well
  9. Once the sauce has thickened over a gentle heat and with constant stirring
  10. Add a dollup of natural yoghurt and stir again
  11. Taste and add salt and pepper if you prefer. If I had had chives or fresh parsley then I would have added at this point.
  12. Serve and enjoy :-)

Recipe White fish in a hot smoked-cheese sauce Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: CakeMaster

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