Sabtu, 23 Maret 2013

Recipe Seasonal Veggie Juice

Resep Seasonal Veggie Juice

Ingredients :

  • 1-2 carrots
  • 1-2 stalks celery
  • Half a bunch of green curly kale
  • 1 beet
  • 1 grapefruit, peeled
  • 3 lemons

Method :
  1. Wash all veggies well. I don"t peel my carrots or beets, but that"s a personal decision.
  2. Put all ingredients through the juicer of your choice. Note: the colder the veggies when you start, the colder (and tastier) you"re juice will be.
  3. Stir your juice well and drink immediately.

Recipe Seasonal Veggie Juice Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: CakeMaster

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