Sabtu, 24 November 2012

Recipe Sunday brunch

Resep Sunday brunch

Ingredients :

  • 1 slice wholemeal bread
  • 1 drizzle of olive oil
  • 1 slice serrano ham
  • A few shavings of parmesan cheese
  • 1 egg

Method :
  1. Put water in a pan and heat. Toast the bread. Lightly drizzle with olive oil while it is still hot and line with a paper-thin slice of serrano ham and some shavings of parmesan cheese. Put in the oven at 80º - just hot enough so that the ham and cheese sweat while the egg is boiling.
  2. The water should be boiling by now, so carefully put the egg in and time exactly 5 minutes. When the pinger goes, empty the pan and run cold water over the egg to halt the cooking process.
  3. Take the toast out of the oven - the ham and cheese will be soft and sweaty (in a nice way!). Gently tap the egg on a hard surface and carefully peel half
  4. Ease the rest of the egg out of the remaining shell with a teaspoon over the toast. Add salt and pepper and eat while still warm.

Recipe Sunday brunch Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: CakeMaster

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