Kamis, 06 April 2017

Recipe Crock pot stuff meatloaf

Resep Crock pot stuff meatloaf

Ingredients :

  • 2 pounds hamburger meat
  • 1 mushrooms
  • 1 Can chop jalapeño
  • 1 parmesan cheese
  • 1 ketchup

Method :
  1. On the bottom of your crock pot take one pound of the hamburger meat lay it out . Make u a little bit of a dip add a layer of ingredients. ( you can add whatever you like I choose these basically cause it was a favorite of ours u can even add spinach or carrots anything you want ) . Make layers. Then add the other pound of hamburger meat to the top. Be sure to go around the edges to feel and use your fingers to seal it up so that yummy goodness do come out while it"s cooking . Once u have finished . Add ketchup to the top . ( I also took and added ketchup and bbq sauce and mixed before adding makes a awesome taste ) . Make sure to spoon and smooth it over the top. Cover and turn crock pot on high for 6 to 8 hours . And you have your self and really good meatloaf and the kids thing it"s so awesome and u don"t have all that grease..

Recipe Crock pot stuff meatloaf Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: CakeMaster

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