Senin, 15 Juni 2015

Recipe Bomb Diggity Holiday Ham - Oven Style

Resep Bomb Diggity Holiday Ham - Oven Style

Ingredients :

  • 1 10 Pound or larger Ham
  • 2 can Pineapple Slices Juice
  • 2 cup Brown Sugar
  • Pineapple Slices to top and also for glaze juices
  • Cherries - Optional
  • Foil

Method :
  1. Line foil across bottom of a large roasting pan. Place Ham inside pan. Mix all ingredients together & pour over top. Place pineapple slices as needed over the top, chop remaining pieces & place in sauce.
  2. Cover & bake per directions on Ham packaging. Re baste Ham every so often so it stays moist on top
  3. Use the excess glaze to pour over slices.. Makes it ohhh so scrumptious! Enjoy!!

Recipe Bomb Diggity Holiday Ham - Oven Style Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: CakeMaster

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