Ingredients :
- 2 small smoked bacon chops
- 2 best kielbasa sausages ( they are the closest I can get to what I want)
- 1/2 small rack of ribs, meaty and fat (or a very small leg of pork bone in )
- 3 springonions
- 1 large shallot
- 1 small leek
- 2 garlic cloves
- 1 or two vegetable stock cube
- 500 ml water
- 4 cans of marrow fat peas, or dried, overnight soaked marrow fat peas.In total about 750 grams soaked weight.
- 500 grams salad potatoes, ready cooked and cut into quarters or chunks
- 4 Hot dog sausages
- 2 slices of bread for croutons
- 2 tbsp rapeseed oil for toasting croutons
- 1/2 tsp chervil for sprinkling over croutons
- 4 or 5 drops of Maggi liquid seasoning
Method :
- First chop the bacon chops into small cubes or by ready chopped ones. Chop the spring onions, the shallots , the leek and the garlic into small cubes also. Put all into a small frying pan and cook until the bacon is browned of ,but the onions not burned .
- First brown your meat off (add extra if you feel that there is not enough meat) in a pan then in a pot with the water put the meat and kielbasa sausage , bring to boil then add all the fried ingredients and a stock cube or two depending on liking ,
- Boil until the meat is well cooked . Remove about half of the bacon chop, onions and other bits (set aside)and the meat and kielbasa .Take the meat of the bone , and chop the kielbasa sausage, put them back in the pot
- Now add the drained and rinsed peas and puree everything until you get a semi smooth soup, keep this to simmer on a low heat for about 15 minutes , make sure that I"d does not set to the bottom of the pan , if you need to add a little more water do so.
- Add your chopped potatoes and the set aside bacon, onion and bigger bits and heat the through.
- In the meantime make your croutons , add a little oil into a hot pan ad your cubed bread sprinkle with seasoning if you like and or herbs , they should be nice and crispy but not burned
- About ten minutes before serving add your hot dogs
- Season with the maggi liquid seasoning then sprinkle the croutons over the cooked soup
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