Kamis, 13 Januari 2011

Recipe Chicken Fillet Wrapped in Bacon, Smothered in Cheese

Resep Chicken Fillet Wrapped in Bacon, Smothered in Cheese

Ingredients :

  • 4 chicken fillets
  • 8 rashers of back bacon
  • 100 grams gouda cheese
  • 1/2 disk feta
  • salt&pepper
  • 2 dash olive oil

Method :
  1. preheat your oven to 160°C, use half of your oil to grease your baking pan, lay down 2 rashers of bacon per fillet in the pan.
  2. Cover the bacon with cheese, lay the chicken fillets in the middle of the bacon, sprinkle salt and pepper over the fillets, wrap the bacon around the fillets.
  3. Cover the baking pan with a lid or oven proof cover, if you have nothing else use aluminium foil. Put the baking pan in the oven for 30 - 40 minutes.
  4. Remove the baking pan, then remove the cover and crumble the feta cheese over the bacon wrapped fillets, put it back uncovered into the oven and switch your oven to grill. Grill for +/- 3minutes or until as crispy as desired(be careful not to dry uit the chicken)
  5. Serve with some stirfy veg and enjoy!

Recipe Chicken Fillet Wrapped in Bacon, Smothered in Cheese Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: CakeMaster

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